Adl Advisory is a Malaysia-based global Shariah advisory entity that provides shariah advisory, review and auditing services in Halal & Islamic finance domains.



+60 11-2351 9278

53300 Kuala Lumpur

Bridging Faith and Finance: Empowering Value-Based Intermediation Through Cash Waqf

Mr. Amine a dedicated businessperson has always thought that his financial success in life should impact society in a positive way hand in hand. He was intrigued when he heard about value-based intermediation (VBI), a mind-blowing approach in Islamic Finance that connects profits with purposes in Islamic Finance. But it was not until he also learned […]

Shari’ah Rulings on Bindings Contracts and Broken Promises

Introduction Islamic finance is distinguished from conventional finance in that its principles are derived from the sources of Islamic law (#Shariah), which includes the Quran, Prophetic teachings of Muhammad (S.A.W.) and scholarly consensus (ijma), among others. Its primary value proposition is that it is constructed on the principles of justice, equity and mutual benefit. This […]

Reconstructing the Maqasid Blueprint for Islamic Finance

Reconstructing the Maqasid Blueprint for Islamic Finance

Intro–Construction In recent times, thought leaders of the Islamic finance (IF) industry have come to the realization that the industry, at some point, had skidded off its original track whilst ‘religiously’ competing with conventional financial institutions for market share. Since then, the IF industry’s fruits have germinated from seeds planted by the prophet of capitalism, […]

Mission Impossible: Standardizing Shariah Standards, Resolutions and Certifications in Islamic Finance

A Halal Introduction From an Islamic perspective, all human endeavors fall under one of 5 jurisprudential rulings, namely, obligatory (wajib/fard), recommended (mustahab/mandub), permissible (halal/mubah), disliked (makruh) or forbidden (haram). Of these 5, ‘haram’ has become a household word used by all – Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Its antonym is ‘halal’, meaning permissible (according to the […]

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