Adl Advisory is a Malaysia-based global Shariah advisory entity that provides shariah advisory, review and auditing services in Halal & Islamic finance domains.



+60 11-2351 9278

53300 Kuala Lumpur

2024sat30nov9:14 pmsat9:14 pmFatwa Crisis: A.I. and Its Threat to the Role of Shariah Advisors9:14 pm - 9:14 pm(GMT+08:00) Event Organized By: Adl Advisory FINTECH:Future

Event Details

Fatwa Crisis: A.I. and Its Threat to the Role of Shariah Advisors!!

The use of hashtag#ArtificialIntelligence (AI) has gone far beyond fulfilling mundane jobs to now executing tasks previously only possible by human beings. Human-centric, creative works like graphic designing, coding, animating and even writing poetry(!) are no longer a major challenge for some of the advanced AI systems and models.

With such status quo, a wise person might stop and wonder to what extent A.I. may lean on the massive pool of data and information across the world wide web (W3) to manage conglomerates, referee major sporting events and/or issue hashtag#Islamicrulings on hashtag#IslamicFinance activities.

In other words, will we ever get to a point when even scholars and veterans are at risk of being replaced by AI; a point when the latter’s ‘intelligence’ is no longer deemed… ‘artificial’???!!

To gain better insight into these thought-provoking questions, Adl Advisory reached out to Ahmad Sabree, CSAA, Islamic Fintech Specialist, whose extensive experience and combined expertise in the fields of Islamic Jurisprudence and FinTech render him an incumbent reference and an exceptional contributor to a discussion on the said subject.

While Dr Mufti Yousuf Sultan, Founder and CEO of Adl Advisory, will be present to offer his noteworthy opening remarks, Mohamed Sano, Head of Training and Education at Adl Advisory, will moderate the session.

Register for this legendary encounter through the link below:

Join the enlightening webinar through the zoom link below:

See you soon inshaAllah!


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


2024-11-30 9:14 pm - 9:14 pm(GMT+08:00)
